It certainly does the original game justice at least, but it's still a Dreamcast game through-and-through. The only real problem is that while the game looks quite nice and still holds up well today thanks to the lovely art, it doesn't push the 3DS' capabilities far at all. Shame they couldn't port the PS2 version, but some people hate that one anyways so i'm not upset. One of the prettiest versions of the game. Some things that were previously flat are now modeled in 3D (like some wooden boardwalks). Particularly some more plants scattered around to add variety and make levels look less empty. There are also some added details to levels. Comparing the two games side-by-side (yes i did it), Rayman 3D pretty much nails the graphics, textures are actually a little better looking and seem less muddy (maybe due to the smaller screen size). The graphics are rather crisp and the models look pretty much identical to the original. For the most part, the 3DS version does quite an admirable job replicating the Dreamcast's graphics within the confines of its own resolution. And this 3DS version is a very close port to the Dreamcast version, considered the best of them all by many fans.

Ok, first of all Rayman 2 was released almost 12 years ago. It's one of the best uses of the effect IMO. Also, the 3D effect enhances the experience for me. Didn't bother me enough to impede my enjoyment of the game. Short impression- Very fun game and a mostly solid port with a few technical issues that SHOULD have been ironed out before release.